Caring for your mind, body, spirit, and environment, you can live with joy!
ME Haile Wellness Consulting
can help you achieve your goals.

I'm Mary Ellen, a Registered Nurse and Wellness Consultant in South Carolina.
People all over the world are suffering in ways that are mostly preventable through loving care of body, mind, spirit, and environment. Wellness is something that you can obtain at any stage of your life, regardless of the obstacles you have faced in your life (and let's face it, the vast majority of the population has encountered some incredible obstacles).
Having worked in healthcare since 1985 and taking a deep dive into what I thought God’s purpose might be for my life, I realized that while holistic health and wellbeing are our most valuable assets, many people are searching for quick fixes to resolve issues. Many aspects of our lives are interconnected and we have to take time to figure them out so we can achieve our goals.
Through this work, I decided to transform my nursing practice to align with my passion and values by becoming a Board Certified Nurse Coach. A Nurse Coach is an RN who combines the Art of Coaching with the Science of Nursing. Just to clear up possible confusion, this does not mean that I only coach nurses. We focus on goal-setting around your biggest dream or your heaviest burden. The client is completely in the driver's seat, combining resources with the knowledge of what has and hasn't worked in the past.
Have you ever struggled with thoughts such as:
"Why am I on this earth?"
"I want to feel better about myself and my life but I cannot seem to set and achieve goals."
"I want to lose weight, lower my A1C, lower my cholesterol, get off of medications, etc. and I'm ready to do it but I need accountability."
"I want to fight this cancer with a positive attitude but I'm struggling."
"Why can I not accomplish as much as (fill in the blank)?"
"I am not good enough!"
"I have shame that immobilizes me."
We will review every single area of your wellbeing, discuss your goals, and co-create a comprehensive plan to make incremental, sustainable changes in your lifestyle.
I will serve as your Nurse Coach, giving you a non-judgmental, safe space and devoted time to collaboratively create your goals and action steps to reach them.
My HIPAA-compliant practice management software provides:
1. Booking of your own sessions
2. Participation in sessions online if you prefer or live too far away
3. Chatting with me when I am available
4. Review of the notes I write after every session
5. Use of a mood, food, and physical activity journal
6. And more!
Change isn’t easy. I know this. We will work together to help you live your healthiest, happiest life.
You deserve to live well and thrive!
Finally you can move beyond the quick fix solutions that rapidly have you right back where you started (or maybe even a little further behind).
My approach to wellness incorporates a combination of your strengths with deep listening, powerful questions, proven tools, and successful goal-setting so you can live a more joyful life.
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